Vernon Smith Hall Lease Renovation


3434 Washington Blvd , Arlington, VA 22201


Project Number: 18470-001
Original Project Number: 572187 573849 190780
Project Type: Renovation/Improvement
Campus: Mason Square (formerly the Arlington Campus)
Authorization: State Legislature
Project Phase: Construction


Total Project Budget: $3,456,740


Start Date:  December 2019
Construction Completion:  January 2021


This project will renovate the recently leased approximately 13,000 sf of space adjacent to the Mason Square (formerly the Arlington Campus) in Vernon Smith Hall. The project goal is to provide space for programs and functions that will support academic instruction in computing to increase the number of Mason graduates in computing and information technology related fields. This project will provide space critical to Mason’s foundational efforts to establish the new School of Computing. The new School of Computing is being established to support workforce development for the tech industry due to Amazon’s location of its headquarters in Arlington and other high tech companies and new ventures that will be drawn to the region.


Project Team

University Project Manager: Caroline Sonner
Unit: Provost/ E&G
Advising A/E:  Cannon Washington, Inc