Campus Notice for Mason Square: Sidewalk and Pathway Closures

Graphic illustration that says Campus Notice: Mason Square

Sidewalk Closure on Fairfax Drive

The sidewalk along Fairfax Drive directly in front of the Fuse at Mason Square construction site will be closed starting this week through the rest of the fall semester. Pedestrians traveling between Mason Square and the Virginia Square-GMU Metro Station are advised to cross Fairfax Drive at the Kirkwood Road intersection.  

Pedestrian Bridge Closed between Washington Boulevard and FDIC Plaza

The pedestrian bridge between Washington Boulevard (near the north entrance to Vernon Smith Hall) and the FDIC plaza will have intermittent closures during September. During these closures, pedestrians should use the pedestrian bridge between Vernon Smith Garage and Van Metre Hall. Pedestrians can also use Washington Boulevard and Kirkwood Road as an alternate route between Washington Boulevard and Fairfax Drive.

View the Mason Square map for location details. These closures will help facilitate construction of Fuse at Mason Square. We appreciate your patience. Contact with questions. For questions related to accessibility, contact the ADA Office at