
Mason represents 50% of the total increase in enrollment throughout the Commonwealth. We must take steps to meet the needs of our growing university.

You can find a great deal of in-depth information about current construction projects. However, we recognize the need for an up-to-the-minute report on traffic conditions, closures, and relocations. The Facilities Department, University Information, the Office of University Branding, and Parking and Transportation are working closely to deliver that information to you when and where you need it.

We place a high priority on making sure that you are informed about the changes that may impact your time on campus.

It will be impossible to predict every disturbance to the normal Mason routine, but with this coordinated communications effort, we hope to minimize inconvenience to our valued community.

Be looped-in to the latest campus information. 

Select the channel that works best for your needs.





Email Facilities

Call Facilities



